# Timelogs

A job request may require a timelog. A timelog consists of a number of events. Events are one of:

  • Port Level: these apply to the cargo movement (a vessel) as a whole.
  • Parcel Level: these apply to a specific tank/container/grade (of a vessel)
  • Delay: these apply to the cargo movement as a whole.

Port and Parcel Level events are specified as a specific EventType (a catalog item). Delay events are free text description.

An authorized party can use the Document Endpoints with the following schema to retrieve and submit timelog information.

# Document Type


# Data Model

# Timelog result

Field Type Description
workspace reference, required ​ Workspace ID.
parent reference, required ​ ID of the job document for this quantity test results.
status enum, required preliminary (default) or confirmed.
comment string
events Array<Event> The event(s) of the timelog.

# Event

Field Type Description
start datetime, required Required.
end datetime Only specified if the eventType has a duration; and for a Delay event.
comment string
isDelay boolean true for a Delay event. Otherwise false.
eventType Catalog reference Empty for Delay event. Otherwise required.
eventTypeName string Required for Delay event. Otherwise empty.

# Example:

  "xref": "1234567",
  "status": "confirmed",
  "events": [
      "start": "2022-04-01T14:05:00.000Z",
      "eventType": {
        "xref": "12345",
        "name": "Event 12345"
      "start": "2022-04-02T15:05:00.000Z",
      "comment": "comment goes here",
      "eventType": {
        "xref": "12345",
        "name": "Event 12345"
      "start": "2022-04-02T15:05:00.000Z",
      "end": "2022-04-02T16:05:00.000Z",
      "eventType": {
        "xref": ""
      "isDelay": true,
      "eventTypeName": "Delay One"