# Invoices

An invoice is a statement of the total due amount for the list of services provided. This includes an itemized breakdown of the costs per each service, as well as any other information pertinent to collection of payment(s).

A document may have one or more invoices associated identifying the transaction(s) for which the customer owes the issuer.

An authorized party can use the Document Endpoints with the following schema to retrieve and submit invoice(s).

# Document Type


# Data Model

# Invoice

Field Type Description
workspace reference, required ​ ID of this invoice's workspace.
clientReferenceNumber string ID used by client.
vendorReferenceNumber string ID used by vendor.
invoiceNumber string, required Required for Navarik Inspection integration.
vendorOffice Catalog reference, required Office listed on the invoice.
purchaseOrderNumber string
parentInvoiceNumber string Optional ID passed in case of supplemental invoices.
invoiceDate string Date of issue.
total string Amount after tax.
totalTax string Total tax.
totalExcludingTax string Amount before tax.
paytermsBasisDate string
paytermsNetDays int
currency string Currency applicable to all prices/taxes in the invoice.
bankAccount Catalog reference Vendor Bank account for payments.
lineItems Array<LineItem> Invoice line items.

# Line Item

Field Type Description
itemNumber string Index/reference number for the line item within the invoice.
description string Label for the service/product being invoiced.
quantity string
quantityUom string
unitPrice string price for 1 quantity of the item.
splitPercent string Percentage of the item price being invoiced.
discountPercent string percentage of discount applied.
tax Array<Tax> Invoice line item taxes.
pricingTypeCode string "ADDITIONAL_SERVICE" or "DISCOUNT".

# Tax

Field Type Description
ratePercent string Numeric Value e.g. 7.5.
typeCode string Label for type of Tax.
amount string calculated tax amount.

# Example:

  "type": "navarik.inspection.invoice",
  "body": {
    "clientReferenceNumber": "TRIP-NUM-123-0021",
    "vendorReferenceNumber": "110-22-012345",
    "invoiceNumber": "110-123456",
    "vendorOffice": {
      "xref": "765345",
      "name": "Office Name"
    "purchaseOrderNumber": "F256A3",
    "parentInvoiceNumber": "110-123455",
    "invoiceDate": "2023-07-05 12:00:00",
    "currency": "USD",
    "total": "207.00",
    "totalTax": "17.00",
    "totalExcludingTax": "190.00",
    "paytermsBasisDate": "INVOICE_DATE",
    "paytermsNetDays": 60,
    "lineItems": [
        "itemNumber": "001-001-003-021",
        "description": "Inspection Fee ",
        "quantity": "1",
        "quantityUom": "Max",
        "unitPrice": "100",
        "splitPercent": "100",
        "discountPercent": "0",
        "tax": [
            "ratePercent": "8",
            "typeCode": "GST",
            "amount": "8.00"
        "itemNumber": "007-001-003-021",
        "description": "Ship Manifold's Samples",
        "quantity": "5",
        "quantityUom": "Sample",
        "unitPrice": "40",
        "splitPercent": "50",
        "discountPercent": "10",
        "tax": [
            "ratePercent": "10",
            "typeCode": "GST",
            "amount": "9.00"
    "bankAccount": {
      "xref": "12345678",
      "name": "Bank Account Label"